Thursday, January 7, 2010

Might as well start with this

A Fun Lil' Quiz to Get to Know You

Let's Get the Basics...
Name?: Jackie Burton
Birthday?: April 4th, 1994
Birthplace?: Bryn Mawr Hospital, PA
Where do you live now?: West Chester, PA
What do you do?: Er...This could take a while... I'm a sophmore in high school...
What's you heritage?: Oh good grief. Who cares?
Singe, Taken, or Looking?: Single, not taken, not looking either. -_-
Let the Randomness begin...
What's your first thought when you wake up?: Usually "I want to go back to sleep"
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: 2-3
Do you eat meat?: Heck yes.
What phobias do you have?: That's too official. I'm afraid of spiders, clowns, knives, and lizards.
What color best describes your personality and why?: Do I need to take another quiz to answer this? I'm outgoing, fun, and loud. There. I'm RAINBOW COLORED!
What's your favorite junk food?: 3 Musketeers Bar FTW
What's your bedtime?: It changes every night. xD
If you could have any pet in the imaginable world, what would it be?: A squirrel. Or maybe a penguin. Or possibly a polar bear. Or maybe...IDK.
What's your favorite character from a book?: That would require me actually reading...
From a film?: Tigger, though it's a movie, not a film. What are we in, the '50s?
Would you rather be a hero or an antagonist?: Considering I don't know what an antagonist is, I'd choose hero.
Do you own a pair of "fat" pants?: If you ask anyone I know, they'll tell you I'm not fat. So no comment. xD
Approx. how many pairs of shoes do you own?: Erm...17.
Salty or sweet?: Salty
Your favorite childhood pastime?: First soccer championship, 1999.
What country would you most like to visit?: Russia, ily Greg xD
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Sleep with? No. But my three favorite stuffed animals sit next to my pillow all day and all night.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?: God.
If you could go to any time period, what would it be?: Dinosaur time.
Do you follow politics?: No. It's all a bunch of
Do you read the paper daily?: Nope.
Do you consider yourself successful?: In what?
What is your guilty pleasure?: Candy.
Can you swim?: Uh, yeah. I go to the beach all summer.
Coke or Pepsi?: Neither. Soda kills me.
Chips or Pretzels?: Chips, Sour Cream & Onion <3
Tea or Coffee?: Neither. I hate both
Shower or Bath?: Shower
Cold or hot?: Hot, especially guys xD
Chapstick or Blistex?: Chapstick
Dog or Cat?: Dog, cats are evil and stuck up.
Traveling or Stationary?: Traveling!
Wild orTame?: Wild, duh.
Spiritual or atheist?: Spiritual
Jessica or Nick?: Neither
Angelina or Jennifer?: Neither
Cheating or Faithful?: CHEATING! This is what happens when you know Cody and Barry. xD
Red or Blue?: Blue, though red is my second fav. xD
Beer?: No comment.
Cocktail?: No comment.
Farm animal?: Chickens.
Celebrity?: Emmitt Smith
Color?: Blue
Holiday?: 4th of July
Vacation spot?: Ocean City, New Jersey <3
Movie genre?: Action
Gemstone?: Diamond
President?: This would require me actually paying attention.
Comedian?: Tim Hawkins
Actor?: My brother. =P
Actress?: My sister. xD
Band/Music Artist?: At the moment? My obsession is Skillet
Seasame Street Character?: Cookie Monster, though I heard they made him Veggie Monster =0
TV Detective Show?: Lie to Me. Does that count?
Cartoon Show?: Scooby Doo. xD
Wrestler?: Tyler Marshall hahaha.
Soup?: Chicken Noodle
And to Wrap Things Up...
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: *thinks* In college.
Do you want to own your own home?: Who doesn't?
Do you plan on getting married?: Sure. If the right guy comes along.
Plan on having children?: Heck yes, though not as many as my mom.
Are you pierced and/or inked?: Maybe my ears pierced.
Is the Glass half empty or Half full?: Half empty.
If you don't use it do you lose it?: Depends. ipod, yes. Computer? Nope.
Do you own a bicycle?: YES!
Are you a drunkard?: Uhm...I'm 15 xP
Are you good with money?: No. I'm an impulsive spender.
Do you vote?: Nope.
Do you watch The Price is Right?: Once a year.
Are you close with your parents?: Pretty close, I'd like to be closer
Do they watch The Price is Right?: Dejavu??
What is your preferred superhero power?: Invisibility xD
Do you hold grudges?: Sometimes.
Do you believe in (a) God?: Yes, the One and Only
Anything else you'd like to mention?: You just wasted fifteen minutes of your life reading this.. Now buy me a candy bar.

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