Friday, January 8, 2010


I hate it.
It's like...
You can't think of something quickly.
You have to examine every possible outcome with every possible combination.
Which takes twice as long as you expected.

Life just needs to be easier. Even ROAD MAPS are easier than life, and they're pretty complex.
Maybe life should be like a road map. You consult the piece of paper in front of you, and follow the directions. Like mapquest. Plug in what you're thinking, and be given instant answers.
Unless, of course, you type something wrong. Then you have errors and are sent in the wrong direction.
Best part is, when you overthink things, you forget what you were thinking about in the first place. xD
So. If you just make quick, snappy decisions, not only will you save yourself time, you will say yourself the terrible stress and confusion of overthinking things.

Point made.
Overthinking is overrated.


1 comment:

  1. true true but we do have that road map. some times it has some pretty crazy directions, but somehow, it always leads us in the right direction. until we try to take a different road cause the one we're following looks too complex. stay with the road map. He'll bring you to the right place. ;)
